Wednesday, November 29, 2006

I (We) Need to Wake Up to "An Inconvenient Truth"

by Shen Shi'an, The Buddhist Channel, Nov 22, 2006

...If you believe in karma and rebirth, you will be reborn into a world of your making...

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Iraq:The hidden story

This reports should be required viewing. Although I disagree with the Channel 4's opinions that the news should come solely through our western lens for our consumption, I believe that a more truthful explanation of these events is outside that genera. Rather the story should be considered a vehicle of what some in the Iraqi population see as their reality. More of our broadcast resources should be made available to local Iraqi journalist and individuals to explain to our population their messages.
The net is a good conduit but NBC, ABC, CBC and the like have better “gates” to our hearts and minds.
But we in the West must still be willing to seek and find then listen to an Iraqi reality even when it’s outside of comfortable opinions and perceptions. Only by doing this will we be able to understand a way through this war.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

You become a new person every ten years...

I guess the trick is to know approximately when in that time you are...

Goals for 2007
Become a Buddhist*
  • Take Refuge;
  • Live by the Five Precepts;
  • Incorporate The Nobel Eight Fold Path;
Become parents again with my wife
Produce the BF Festival in Canada

The Truth about Right Effort..

Even if it takes hundreds or thousands of lifetimes to get enlightened, so what? However many lifetimes it takes we just keep practising with a heart at ease, comfortable with our pace. Once your mind has entered the stream, there’s nothing to fear.